Sustainable and slow – Ivana allows her art to take time

Posted March 26. Tags:

In a newly built residential area in Kungälv we find a piece of art that withstand both children playing and tough winter storms. Moreover, it is created with attention to environment and climate. It fits well with the adjacent ecolabelled houses built by the municipal housing company Kungälvsbostäder.

Ivana Machakova's "Chessboard", made from Bohus granite, is situated outside the Nordic Ecolabelled appartments.
When creating the sculpture “Chessboard”, sculptor Ivana Machackova wanted to re-connect to the community center which used to be situated on the site and the cultural activities going on there. Chessboard consists of Bohus granite and black dolerite, both durable and maintenance-free materials.

No chemicals are ever used in Ivana’s work. Surplus stone dust is returned to the soil as fertilizer. Scrap stone is reused or crushed at the quarry for gravel and sold as building materials.

Is there anything you would like to make more eco-friendly in your creation?
“No, but I see possibilities regarding how I can help other companies to develop new products by Swedish rock instead of importing from abroad” comments, Ivana Machackova.

Your studio is located near the quarry, so there is no need for long transports. What if the customer wants a different material that comes from far away?
“It happens sometimes that I work with diabase from Skåne, for example. Then I make sure that the blocks are sent in a single shipment with other boulders. When I need to move large work of art, we will transfer to the trailer and use the truck's full capacity”.

Ivana Machackova
How much does the environment matter to you as a sculptor?
“I work with artistic design of public spaces, ie places like parks, streets, squares and neighborhoods. It is only natural for me to think about both aesthetics and durability, the two must go hand in hand”.

What is sustainable art for you?
“Works of art that add value, not a burden. My art work is placed outdoors and has a role in everyday life. It is important that the material is durable and non-toxic. In my creative shows my stance towards time. It takes time to create in stone, and it may take the time it takes, months and years rather than days and weeks. When we talk about reducing consumption on the planet, I think it has become more accepted in society not to rush”.

Is nature an inspiration to you?
“Yes, it is. My art always interacts with the surrounding environment, in that I portray places. I work with elements such as light, views and space. Many of the works have received a waterfront location just to enhance the aesthetic experience. In general, I strive to highlight the stylish in nature and make it pretty visible”.

The Nordic Ecolabelling wants artists to influence people to switch to a more sustainable consumption. Therefore, we arrange Nordic Art Insight. Today we consume as much in Sweden as if there were 3.25 planets to live off, it's not environmentally or socially sustainable.

Do artists have a responsibility to engage in the debate?
“An artist as such cannot be subjected to a charge of anything in society, because art is free from any obligations. Responsibility is a question of each individual, whether artist or someone else, it is a matter of maturity and insight. However, artists have a great opportunity to influence if they want to, partly because of their innovative way of thinking. I also think they are good at getting attention”.

Artistic decorations in the courtyard to the newly built ecolabelled apartment building in Ytterby.
The artpiece is called "Chessboard" and consists of five stone figures and stone construction with black and white paving stones. Production of these figures can be seen in the blog archive in the months of June and October 2012.

Konstnärlig utsmyckning på innergården till nybyggda SVANENmärkta hyreshus i Ytterby.
Verkets namn är "Schackbräde" och består av fem stenfigurer och av stensättningen med svarta och vita gatstenar. Tillverkningen av dessa figurer kan ses i bloggarkivet i månaderna juni och oktober 2012.

Umělecká výzdoba na nádvoří nově postaveného, ekologického, činžovního domu v Ytterby. Název díla je "Šachovnice" a skládá se z pěti kamenných figur a z kamenného vydláždě černými a bílými dlažebními kostkami. Výrobu těchto kamenných figur můžete vidět v archivu tohoto blogu v měsících červnu a říjnu 2012.